Creation of Normal screen to enter single entry - Module Pool/Dialog Programming

To create screen programming we need to do 3 Major steps:

  1. Screen Design
  2. Flow Logic (Program)
  3. Transaction code creation

Requirement: Create a transaction program to enter data into database table.

Table Structure:

Program flow:
Step1: Screen Design

Declare the Internal table & Work area
*& IT & WA with the table reference


Display Object list (CTRL+SHIFT+F5)
Right Click on Object Name->Create->Screen

One Pop-Up screen will appear as below,
Enter the screen no as input.
Click On Continue....

Do the steps 1, 2 and then click on Layout (Step 3)
Then-> Screen Painter (Where we can design the screen)

Click On F6 as shown in the below screen -> to get the fields to design.
Click on Get from Program, it will show the workarea fields in the window as below:
Select required fields and click on continue...
Once you place the fields on the screen few of the fields will not placed with Text labels.

To create the texts we need to select Text Field and drag and drop.
Then 2 properties we need to set to the Text field as below:

Provide the Name: (Same as Input Field Name)

Provide the Text: As Per Your wish

When we are designing a screen, remember always place your screen position on the Left side Top Corner.

Provide the Button (To SAVE & BACK) on the screen.
Select Push Button Property from screen elements-> Place it on the screen.

Double click on the Button & Provide the below Properties:
Name, Text and Function Code as per sequence given in the below screen

Set the properties for SAVE Button as below:

Set the properties for BACK Button as below:
Now your screen design is completed as shown below:
Click on the Flow Logic Button/ to write the Functionality.

Step2: Build Flow Logic (Program/Functionality of screen)

In the above screen we can see 2 events as PBO & PAI.

Decides Timing of execution of the statements.

As per our screen design The save and Back Buttons Will Trigger in PAI Event.

Uncomment The PAI Module


Then double click on 'USER_COMMAND_0002' in the above statement -> To build the logic.

When you double click on 'USER_COMMAND_0002' you will get below screen
->Click 'Yes'-> One more window will open-> Select Main program

Click on 'Continue'
Click On'Yes'.
You will get the below logic in your program.
*&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0002  INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *       text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE USER_COMMAND_0002 INPUT.


Now, implement the logic between Module and Endmodule of 'USER_COMMAND_0002' as shown above.

Make use of Function codes to build the logic
Note: SY-UCOMM holds the Function code Name during Run time of Program

Implement the logic for 'SAVE'.

  IF SY-UCOMM 'SAVE'.        " SAVE-> Function Code     INSERT ZACC_DATA FROM WA_BANK.
    IF SY-SUBRC 0.
      MESSAGE 'Successfully Record Inserted' TYPE 'I'" I-> Information Message     ELSE.
      MESSAGE 'Record not created' TYPE 'E'" E-> Error Message     ENDIF.

Implement the logic for 'BACK'.
IF SY-UCOMM 'BACK'.    " BACK-> Function Code     LEAVE TO SCREEN 0" Go back to entry screen ENDIF.

Now, go to flow logic Section of your Screen

Uncomment the Module Under PBO


Double click on ' STATUS_0002' then Click -> Yes->Then select MainProgram
The below section of code will appear.

*  SET PF-STATUS 'xxxxxxxx'.

write the SET TITLEBAR as below:


Double click on 'TITLE_0002' then One Pop-Up window appears.

Enter the Title in that screen as below:


Step3: Create a Transaction for Our Program

Steps to Create a Transaction for a Program

Open Transaction SE93

Provide the Transaction Name and Click on Create

and select the properties as below
Click On Continue...
One more screen Opens

do the above steps 1,2 & 3
Save ->Check-> Activate
Now, We have completed the Transaction Creation.
and successfully linked the Program with the Transaction.

Test your transaction:

Enter the Transaction in Command Prompt
And press Enter
Your screen will display

Enter the details on the screen
Click on SAVE Button
You will get Pop-Up Message as below:
and check it in the Database Table.
The Entry is successfully stored in the database from the screen.
Thats It...!

*& --------------------------------------
*& Source Code


*& IT & WA with the table reference
*&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0002  INPUT
*       text
*& Make use of Function codes to build the logic
*& Note: SY-UCOMM holds the Function code Name during Run time of Program

  IF SY-UCOMM = 'SAVE'.        " SAVE-> Function Code
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
      MESSAGE 'Successfully Record Inserted' TYPE 'I'. " I-> Information Message
      MESSAGE 'Record not created' TYPE 'E'. " E-> Error Message
  ELSEIF SY-UCOMM = 'BACK'.    " BACK-> Function Code
    LEAVE TO SCREEN 0. " Go back to entry screen
*&      Module  STATUS_0002  OUTPUT
*       text
*  SET PF-STATUS 'xxxxxxxx'.












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