Call BP Transaction by passing Business partner number

Use the Below code to call BP Transaction in the place of obsolete Customer/Vendor related transactions in  SAP. 


    lv_request TYPE REF TO cl_bupa_navigation_request,

    lv_options TYPE REF TO cl_bupa_dialog_joel_options,

    lv_partner TYPE bu_partner,

    lv_partner_role TYPE bus_roles,


    lv_bup_main TYPE bus_bupr_maintenance.

* set start-up navigation-----------------------------------------------

  lv_partner = <fs_row>-kunnr.

  lv_partner_role-role = 'FLCU01'.  “ Pass the Role

  lv_start_tab = 'CVIC01'.          “ Start tab

  CREATE OBJECT lv_request.

*set partner maintenance

  CALL METHOD lv_request->set_maintenance_id


      iv_value = lv_request->gc_maintenance_id_partner.

*set partner number to start with (in case of a guid just use the method


  CALL METHOD lv_request->set_partner_number( im_partner ). “ pass BP number from input

*set the partner role to start with

  CALL METHOD lv_request->set_bupa_partner_role( lv_partner_role ).

*set the activity you want the user to start the maintenance with

  CALL METHOD lv_request->set_bupa_activity


      iv_value = lv_request->gc_activity_display.

  CALL METHOD lv_request->set_bupa_sub_header_tab


      iv_value = lv_start_tab.

*set start-up options----

  CREATE OBJECT lv_options.

*start the transaction with an invisible locator

  CALL METHOD lv_options->set_locator_visible( space ).

*don't allow navigations to other partners

  CALL METHOD lv_options->set_navigation_disabled( abap_true ).

  CALL METHOD lv_options->set_bupr_create_not_allowed( abap_true ).

  lv_bup_main-create_allowed = abap_true.

  lv_bup_main-change_allowed = abap_true.

  lv_bupr_main-delete_allowed = abap_true.

  CALL METHOD lv_options->set_bupr_maintenance( lv_bup_main ).

  CALL METHOD lv_options->set_activity_switching_off( space ).

*Call the business partner maintenance---

*with those parameters

  CALL METHOD cl_bupa_dialog_joel=>start_with_navigation


      iv_request = lv_request

      lv_options = lv_options


      OTHERS     = 1.


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