Workflow Questions and Answers

When we classify a task as “ General Task” it means ???
A :  The task can be executed by anyone in  the system.

What is a Difference between a Workflow Task ( WF ) and a Workflow Template ( WS ) ?
A : A Workflow Task ( WF ) is a single-step workflow ,

     workflow template (WS ) is a multi-step workflow.

What does  the Standard workflow container  “ _Adhoc_Objects “ Signify ?

A :
 it is a multiline container that can store runtime instances of multiple business objects used in the workflow.

It creates a link in the work item for each business object to call the default method in it.

If an Exception in a code triggers a short dump , What happens to the workflow ?
A : The work item gets suspended and gets stuck in status IN PROCESS and the workflow hangs.

How can we restore a workflow that has hung due to a short dump ?
A: Execute transaction : SWPC and enter the work item ID of the workflow.

When we restart a workflow instance using SWPR , What happens ?
A : It attempts to restart just the step that was in the ERROR status.

Which among the below options is NOT a valid AGENT type ?
A : Primary Agents.

What is a Check Function Module in Workflow terminolody ?
A : This is a special function module used to prevent a linkage being triggered when an event occurs.

How Many different types of event delivery are possible in the system

Is it possible to hide work item or tasks in Business Work place( SBWP ) in R/3 but is not possible in UWL ( Universal Work List ) in Portal ? Is it True / False ?
A : False.

Deligation is needed only in Business Objects and not in Classes used in workflow, True / False ?

What is the Maximum key length ( In Characters ) in a Business Object ?
A : 70.

What is the Maximum key length ( In Characters ) in a Workflow Class ?
A : 32 .

One of the following options is NOT a valid way of triggering an event . Can u Spot it ?
A : Trigger event via SWEL.

What is Correct and incorrect about the AGENT terminology definition?
A :

Correct about the AGENT terminology:
1.       Agent is an executor of a work item.
2.       Agent is determined by the system either through organizational chart or directly if user is  assigned as agent for a particular task.
3.       Ad-Hoc  agent assignment is possible in workflow.

incorrect about the AGENT terminology:
A background task needs explicit agent assignment to be carried out.

Is it possible to call another workflow from the current workflow ?

A : Yes.
What are the 3 layers  in Workflow Architecture ?

A :Business Object , Business Process , Organization Model.

Business Process is defined in Workflow Builder, Business Object is defined in BOR or Classes where the ABAP Code is written and People / Group of people responsible for taking actions are defined in organization structure (AGENTS).

What is  “ Binding “ in workflow terminology ?

A : Binding is the process of transferring data at runtime between Event ,Workflow , Task and Method containers.

The Consistency check of  workflow template can only be carried out via the workflow Builer ( SWDD )? True / False ?

A : False.

How do we set up  Extended Notifications ( Like external notification to outlook ) in workflow ?

Configure SCOT to enable sending external emails (SAP Connect).

Run Transaction SWNCONFIG or schedule report RSWUWFML2.


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