
Call BP Transaction by passing Business partner number

Use the Below code to call BP Transaction in the place of obsolete Customer/Vendor related transactions in  SAP.   DATA:     lv_request TYPE REF TO cl_bupa_navigation_request,     lv_options TYPE REF TO cl_bupa_dialog_joel_options,     lv_partner TYPE bu_partner,     lv_partner_role TYPE bus_roles,     lv_start_tab TYPE BUS_NAVIGATION-BUPA-SUB_HEADER_TAB,     lv_bup_main TYPE bus_bupr_maintenance. * set start-up navigation-----------------------------------------------   lv_partner = <fs_row>-kunnr.   lv_partner_role-role = 'FLCU01'.  “ Pass the Role   lv_start_tab = 'CVIC01'.          “ Start tab   CREATE OBJECT lv_request. *set partner maintenance   CALL METHOD lv_request->set_maintenance_id     EXPORTING       iv_value = lv_request->gc_maintenance_id_partner. *set partner number to start with (in case of a guid just use...

String Functions in SAP ABAP ( New way of using string operations )

STRING FUNCTIONS in SAP ABAP: sap has added some interesting new string functions from versions 7.2. In few cases the new functions replace previous ABAP commands. List of useful string functions: 1.CONCATENATE: Purpose: it combines two or more separate strings into one. Syntax *<output string> = |{ string value }| & | | & |{ string2 value }|. Example: REPORT yabap0006.  DATA(str1) = 'Welcome to SAP'. DATA(str2) = 'Team'.  DATA(result) = |{ str1 }| & | | & |{ str2 }|. " Concatenate with space  DATA(result) = |{ str1 }| & |{ str2 }|. " concatenate without space WRITE result. Or we can use the new way concatenate as below: *&concatenate strings while displaying output  *write: / |{ string value } { string2 value }|   " Concatenate with space  write: / |{ str1 } { str2 }|. "Concatenate with space write: / str1 && str2. "concatenate without space Output: 1.welcome to sap team. 2.welcome to sapteam. 2.CONDENSE: P...

BDC Questions & Answers - SAP ABAP

What are the Function Modules associated with BDC Session Method? A: The System provided Functional Modules are BDC_OPEN_GROUP : It is used to create the session using the T-code SM35. BDC_INSERT : It is used to insert the flat file data of the structure ‘BDCDATA’ with transaction into session. Note : An export parameter “CTUPARAMS” is used to handle the screen resolution in case of table control to process the multiple line items in session method. BDC_CLOSE_GROUP : It is used to close the opened batch input session. Batch Input Vs Direct Input? A: Direct Input (DI) programs work exactly similar to BI programs. But the only difference is, instead of processing screens they validate fields and directly load the data into tables using standard function modules. For this reason, DI programs are much faster (RMDATIND - Material Master DI program works at least 5 times faster) than the BDC counterpart and so ideally suited for loading large v...

BDC (Batch Data Communication) - SAP ABAP

BDC (Batch Data Communication) Batch input is a standard technique used to transfer large volumes of data into an SAP system. The advantage of batch input is that all the transaction-level checks can be performed on the data and then the data is updated through the transactions (Via Screens). Data transfer project involves the following steps:  1. Identifying the data that needs to be transferred to the SAP. 2.Record the screen fields using transaction: SHDB & generate a program from it. 3. Write the BDC program separately by making use of Recoding code (Step no:2) 4. If required, Convert the data while passing from Non-SAP to SAP (External to Internal). 5. Handle various errors/messages in program as per requirement. 6.Validate the data while processing. 7 . Process the program and verify the transferred data in SAP. 8. Set the data transfer frequency as per business requirement. Note: Batch input programs allow us to capture a...