
Showing posts from March, 2014

Hiding Fields from ABAP Report Selection Screen Tool bar

Hiding the fields on selection Screen Toolbar : Requirement :   To hide Selection Screen Tool bar in R/3 and we can use the Report without any Selection screen toolbar in   ESS/MSS Portal. Way to to Do it : Internal Table Declaration : Data : it_ucomm         type   table   of  sy-ucomm. In Event AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. Write the below Following Functionality : *           LIST OF BUTTONS EXCLUDING FROM Selection Screen append  :     'XXECK1'      to  it_ucomm,    'XXALIF'      to  it_ucomm,    'XXOPTI'      to  it_ucomm,    'XXSTAR'     to  it_ucomm,    'XXEXEN'     to  it_ucomm,    'XXSAPM'   to  it_ucomm,    'DOCU'        to  it_ucomm,    'WB_ONLINE_'   to  it_ucomm,    'GXSP'          to  it_ucomm,    'ABBR'         to  it_ucomm,    'TAB'           to  it_ucomm,    'ENTF'         to  it_ucomm,    'PRIN'          to  it_ucomm,     "for pr