
Showing posts from March, 2013

Attach Document in ABAP selection Screen / Screen

Aim of the Topic : Create a button in selection screen and assign Word document on it. It can be useful in order to attached documentation on specific Abap Report. See below the steps to do : §   01) Execute transaction OAOR or 0FPM002 or execute report BDSFIND_1. Class name = 'PICTURES' Class Type = 'OT' Object Key = 'your codification' => Can be the name of Abap Report in our example 'ZABAP_DJOUDJOU' §   02) In the bottom left windows, (in the "create" tabs ; double click on Word icon and upload your MS Word document. §   03) In order to transport Word document on Simulation and Production system : Menu : "Documents" --> Transport §   04) Sample Abap Coding : REPORT Zdocument_selection. * tables: sscrfields. selection-screen pushbutton 5(26) txtdoc user-command docu. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * initialization. *-----------------------------------